1. For one thing, you’re guaranteed to overhear quality conversations like this
2. It’s home to the greatest Burger King ever
The dream.
3. It’s the most heartwarming place to be at Christmas
4. Look at the cards they get from passengers!
They must be doing something right, eh?
5. If you lose something there, you can always be sure that they’ll do their best to reunite you
As they did with this teddy, for instance.
6. They do their utmost to make Irish emigrants feel welcome
7. Seriously, fuzzy feelings are part of the Dublin Airport experience
8. They love to keep things short and sweet at passport control
*praise hands emoji*
9. They operate the BEST water system
No queuing. Just pop in €1.
10. Indeed, it has rescued many a hungover person
11. Nobody judges you for drinking at ridiculous hours
A pint of Heineken at 8am? No judgment, my friend.
12. They’ve been known to have a little fun with gate numbers…
We see what you did there, guys.